Posts Tagged ‘Chaos’
Thursday, July 26th, 2018
We all experience ‘gaps’ in our lives; those in between times where we are not forging ahead with a strong sense of direction, where we feel a little lost, where we are in limbo. Gaps present as periods of ‘not-knowing’ large and small: the voids and upset we periodically experience as we move through life. These […]
Friday, February 10th, 2017
I’ve written of the need to have ‘Fresh Eyes’ in the pursuit of any creative endeavor here in the past. I came across this essay by Costica Bradatan which beautifully validates, and expands on this idea. It speaks to the upside of exile—typically a term carrying a negative connotation—banishment from all we hold dear, from […]
Wednesday, October 1st, 2014
One of the most important aspects of Creative productivity is striking a balance between disciplined daily routine and remaining open to new experiences and perspectives—flexible and adaptable—so that we can keep our eyes fresh and energy high. Too much routine can be mind numbing, uninspiring and vortex (tunnel vision) inducing; too little routine reduces the […]
Tuesday, June 18th, 2013
A few years ago, as I was heading into a period of sabbatical, soul searching and reinvention, I found myself feeling very lost and a little unhinged…..and yet a little excited at the same time. I realized I had left behind so much that had identified and grounded me to that point—my career, home, friends, […]