What to Expect
We’ll focus on understanding the difference between good and great photography—the aesthetic aspects of visual discernment such as composition, light and shadow, perspective, depth-of- field, color, symmetry, texture, line and curve. Through illustrated talks, daily exercises and explorations that bring us closer to real ‘seeing,’ you’ll learn how to refine your critical eye and take your photography to a new level.
After Sunday evening welcome Comida and orientation, class will meet each day between 10:00am and 2pm at Casa Tranquila in Colonia San Antonio, allowing time in the early morning and late afternoon for shooting. Mornings generally begin with a review and critique of previous day’s photographs, followed by presentation and discussion of a new aspect of photographic SEEING providing a basis for the day’s exercises, assignments and fieldwork. Experimentation is encouraged and participants are expected to stretch, explore and expand their ways of SEEING. There are no failures or mistakes in this workshop; only opportunities for learning.
“I so enjoyed the opportunity to take your workshop and the chance to meet and share some ideas with you. For me the test of a good book or film is whether it has changed the way I look at the world or myself in some way that lasts beyond the immediate experience. I am still noticing the world around me through a different lens since your workshop; and am very thankful for that”.
–Dr. David Sobel, co-author of the books The Healing Brain and The Healthy Mind.