Posts Tagged ‘awareness’

Tip #2 Keep an Idea Journal

Tuesday, June 11th, 2013
Keep a notebook/journal for each area of your life. Write down ideas, facts, questions, random thoughts—any information you stumble across throughout the day. There are many planners out there but it’s much more useful, fun and creative to make your own, organizing the information in a way that works best for you. I refer to […]

Tip #1 Avoid the Starting ‘Block’

Monday, May 6th, 2013
This, the first in a series of weekly tips in the service of expanding our creative and productive selves. There’s something about sitting down to a blank page, stepping up to a blank canvas or starting any new project that can be overwhelming….commonly known as the creative block. As a freelancer without a structured work […]

A Creative Thinking Framework

Wednesday, April 17th, 2013
So it seems there is a formula, a framework for creative thinking. Creativity is different than intelligence. With intelligence, more is better–more thinking, more information, more knowledge. To foster creativity, from the perspective of how the brain works, less is better–less thinking anyway, in the conventional sense. It’s about allowing freer interplay between different areas […]

Creativity Matters

Sunday, April 7th, 2013
This is a post which appeared a couple years ago in another version of this blog. I’m bringing it back because it best communicates why I started this blog, and what the real focus here is. Shift and change are the results, no matter what. Most things that are interesting, important, human are the result […]

Seeing Clearly

Friday, October 19th, 2012
Vipassana–a Pali word meaning ‘to see clearly’. Seeing speaks to understanding, illumination, discernment, and wisdom—seeing past stereotypes, cliches and preconceptions. Do you see?  To ’see’ is to look past the obvious, the expected; to take the time, to pay attention. Seeing is more of a right brained (non-verbal, intuitive) activity. Betty Edwards developed a hugely […]

The Texture of Memory

Friday, September 2nd, 2011
I love NPR radio. There was recently an interview with Joshua Foer talking about his fantastic new book Moonwalking With Einstein: the Art and Science of Remembering Everything. The ‘art’ he refers to is based on a set of techniques invented in ancient Greece. The ‘art’ is in creating imagery in your mind that is […]


Wednesday, August 17th, 2011
“Miracles rest not so much upon a healing power coming suddenly near from afar, but upon our perceptions being made finer, so that, for a moment, our eyes can see——what is there around us always.” –Willa Cather We spend so much time caught up in our turbulent—disturbulent mindset, that we miss so much around us. […]